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Product Development 

Ativa concept

Office Depot / Office Max's  primary technology private label brand is Ativa.  Development of this brand included projects that refocused brand identity and the R&D strategy. This was to be established through new industrial design, form factors , UI/UX processes and design for manufacturing strategies. These strategies would be introduced in Ativa's flagship shredder program's as well as other proven technology peripheral programs offered by the office supply giant.


Holistic project management from the development teams in and out of Office Depot's Own Brand as well as the brand marketing and brand merchant teams helped create a successful update to the aging Ativa line up. This resulted in positive growth metrics in the technology categories and new IP value add in Office Depot's portfolio

ResearchDevelopment of brand identity and value

was critical to providing a baseline to begin the design

process. Definition of Ativa's product brand positioning

from design aesthetics to tiered pricing development

was done.



Ativa Shredders_07-11-2012.jpg

Brand identity and equity research â€‹



Extensive industrial design ideation was done to help develop unique form factors and forward thinking innovation.



Ativa Portable Hardrive Design .jpg

Key for successDevelopment of a new brand identity

benchmark concepts to use as a guideline for the

design process of the new upcoming line of products. 

These prototypes and designs were used when calibrating with other key teams and vendors. 




Ativa portable hard drive and USB thumb drive future designs / working prototypes 



Traxon quote for website-02-01.png
USB design prototype.png
Potato - Slide copy2.jpg
Ative 10M Micro Cut Shredder_edited.jpg

Ativa 10 M micro cut shredder MDM1060P

Development in actionThe multifaceted team effort 

created the new premium lineup of security shredders.

The end result was a forward thinking shredder system that separated it's self from the current contemporary 

offerings found in the industry.


Care in design was taken for brand identity and customer modularity. This enabled the Ativa system to be a versatile 

product to the end user not only for functionally but also for

a elegant fit in their specific office décor's layout.




To the customer Development of in-store launch assets such as renderings and animations assisted teams in speed and in quality





Point of purchase animation used for in-store lenticular images


lambo render 2 copy.png

(show car) High level security shredder concept 

Cover page2 copy.jpg

UI/IUX design Within the new design initiatives developed,  the need to design forward thinking user experiences was championed by the design teams. The intersection of hardware and software became an aspect that the Ativa

 brand needed to explore to compete successfully with the newer designs offered in the technology space. The new "showcar" shredder program in development would prove to be a positive platform to design the new user interface strategy on to. Focus was on simplifying the experience


Cover page2 UIUX.jpg

Future development The Ativa brand explored high level designs in the shredder space. These designs would focus heavily on user experience design, ergonomics and dynamic styling. 




Physical user experience design 

UI/UX road map

render speaker_edited.png

Continued brand development Developed brand strategies were continued into other technology   peripherals and products. 




sketches 2.jpg

Speaker design utilizing the new brand language

Design exploration using developed brand language

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